Margherita Remotti nackt sorted by

Admin06.08.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

She hands Emma a bottle of her wine, made from her family's vineyard and takes Emma to her hotel room, telling her she will pick her up tomorrow at 7:00 AM for the tour.
Admin20.08.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

She drives to the underside of a bridge, smokes a cigarette and is then killed by the robed figure.
Admin25.08.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

They called themselves 'The Revenants' and they believed in a specific death ritual that could, with these symbols, trap a victim in a path of endless deaths.
Admin14.06.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

Giulia arrives at 7:00 AM and tells Emma that they will have another person joining them on the tour, a Croatian investigative reporter named Daniel Roth.
Admin03.08.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

To save time and my slow typing skills , I will briefly tells you the events that happen to Emma before she wakes up in her hotel room at 4:00 AM.
Admin18.06.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

" Emma knocks on Daniel's hotel room door, but he doesn't know her Remember: They really haven't met yet! Shandra then tells Emma that Daniel has the answer to why she cannot die.
Admin23.07.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

Low budget but done fairly well.
Admin22.07.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

Our heroine is Emma Margherita Remotti , a Professor of Womens Studies at a university in Rome.
Admin30.06.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

On the long train ride to Voghera, Emma has a dream where she sees Shanda Marcella Braga; WRATH OF THE CROWS - 2013 rip out her eyes with her own hands and offer them to Emma.
Admin21.07.2021 Evil River : Marcella Braga, Claudia Marasca, Toni Pandolfo, Margherita Remotti, Diego Runko: Movies & TV

She makes a long trip to the town of Voghera, Italy to take a tour of an archaeological dig next to "Shanda's River" the original title of the film , named after a 14th Century woman who was accused of being a witch and causing the deaths of thousands of people, when they actually died of the Plague.